Advanced Acne Training for Skin Therapists

Learn The Real Cause Of Your Clients Acne and Achieve Lasting Results. 
(Without Going Back To Uni For Years Of Training.) 
Advanced Acne Training
 for Skin Therapists.

Our Naturopathic Acne Assessment course includes lifetime access to:


Multiple expanding self paced modules focusing on: Understanding Nutrition, Gut, Skin, Nervous System, Reproduction and more. 


12+ hours of video content alongside practical PDF guides.


Client handouts specifically tailored for diet structure related to acne.


30 x minute mentoring with Jacinta to delve into any questions.


Practical tools to implement into your treatment plan and/or clinic


Week 1: Introduction to the underlying drivers of Acne

Understanding the pros and cons of typical medical interventions for acne 

Breaking down the three key drivers of acne including sebum production, pH balance and skin cell turnover and the role hormones, nutritional status, stress response and gut health play

Understanding the pathophysiological drivers of acne from an internal perspective

Holistic interventions and naturopathic treatment of acne 

Week 2: Role of diet & nutritional status on Acne

Omega 3 & Omega 6 dietary influences on acne 

Inflammatory foods associated with acne severity 

Anti-inflammatory foods beneficial for acne 

The effect of glycemic response & blood sugar control on acne 

Debunking dietary myths often associated with acne 

Importance of optimal nutrition for different stages of acne - from prevention to active breakouts, to skin needling

Week 3: Detoxification Systems & Acne

Understanding the major detoxification pathways in the body and the influence on acne (lymphatic system, urinary system, digestive system, liver detoxification and skin)

Importance of optimal lymphatic function, identifying sluggish lymphatics in the skin and dietary and lifestyle strategies for optimal lymphatic functioning. 

Importance of optimal liver detoxification for acne and implementation of dietary and lifestyle strategies for liver function 

Week 4: Hormonal Dysregulation & Acne

Understanding of reproductive hormones, their role in the body and their influence on acne. We will have a particular focus on understanding PCOS and acne. 

Identifying hormonal acne and the potential imbalances associated based on clients presentation 

Importance of optimal detoxifications systems and hormonal dysregulation associated with acne 

Testing involved in identifying hormonal dysregulation 

Dietary & lifestyle strategies to optimise hormone health

Week 5: The role of gut health, skin infection & immune function in Acne

Understanding the function of the digestive tract and the influence on skin

Understanding the role of the immune system function in the prevention, reduction and regression of acne

Understanding the role of the gut microbiome on skin immunity and acne severity

Identifying infection within the skin including staph & fungal acne 

Identifying gut related acne through case taking and skin assessment 

Optimising digestive function to support acne

Week 6: Nervous system, adrenal function & Acne

Understanding the different arms of the nervous system response and the pathophysiology of stress

Importance of nervous system regulation to stabilise hormone health, digestive function and acne 

Identifying adrenal dysfunction in your client and stress related acne 

Lifestyle & nutritional interventions supportive for the stress response 

Week 7: Bonus Week - Supplement Prescription & Clinical Case Taking

Supplement essentials for skin care clinics 

Resources available for clinician use 

How to implement this knowledge in your consultation process

How to discuss concepts/themes with clients in layman's terms

Navigating around where to refer on for further investigation 

Final Q & A 
Advanced Acne Training for Skin Therapists join today and get
$150 off!
"You’ll leave this course feeling equipped with the confidence and knowledge you need to discuss and identify the potential underlying drivers of your client’s acne from an internal perspective, whilst having practical tools to implement with your clients to work on their skin inside out. "

Jacinta x


+ How is the course content delivered?
Although this course is broken up into 7 modules, you'll have lifetime access and can watch the content at your own pace. You will also receive the slides in a PDF format and other references for you to use in your clinical practice.

+ I’m not qualified as a nutritionist or naturopath, am I able to still complete the course?
Yes of course! We absolutely love collaborating with beauty therapists/corneotherapists as much as we can to educate clinicians on how to identify where their client’s skin presentation may be stemming from. Although this course doesn’t qualify you to prescribe as a nutritionist or naturopath, it will equip you with the basic skills and knowledge you need to confidently have conversations with your clients in regards to the underlying drivers of their skin presentation from an internal perspective whilst providing basic guidance to changes they can implement. Through this knowledge you will gain, you will have a new and enhanced level of analysis of your client’s presentation and case taking.

+ How long does each presentation go for?
Each topic will vary in length, with each module broken up into various topics. To ensure you are absorbing as much information as possible, we’ve created multiple short videos between 15-45 minutes each totalling to 12+ hours of recorded educational content over 7 weeks.

+ I have some tricky client cases I'm working on at the moment, is this a platform I can use to ask questions about my clients?
Most definitely, as we go through each module I'm sure clients will come to mind that you will want to ask questions about. You are more than welcome to do so and reach out to Jacinta in the Facebook Group for help on how to discuss this with your client and to discuss the next steps involved. Remembering that the answers provided are not diagnostic and for best duty of care it is important the client is assessed by a Naturopath or Nutritionist.
Advanced Acne Training for Skin Therapists.
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